What you can do at the Post level:

  • Do your research online at (Veterans Services), (Organizations), (Assistance) to educate yourselves on what the Department of Veterans Affairs, the National Coalition for Homeless Veterans and OUR organization offer for the relief of our homeless veterans.
  • Appoint your Post Chaplain and Post Service Officer to head this vital program. Make sure they discuss this program on your floor, so all post members are aware of all available resources.
  • Do your homework! Broaden your horizons! Familiarize yourself with what referable services are available in your own communities. (I.E. County Veterans Service Office, Employment Development Department office, community shelters, church/community-run needy programs for food and clothing, Alcohol/Drug Anonymous meetings, soup kitchens, etc.) In addition, participate and/or volunteer in a Stand Down in your area.
  • Make sure your Post Relief Fund has ample funds to be drawn on when a need arises.
  • Have a standing rule in place for a specific dollar amount to be immediately drawn upon (between business meetings) or vote out to buy gift cards to local grocers and restaurants to have on hand and put them under the control of the Post Chaplain and Post Service Officer for this specific program.
  • Have food and clothing drives on a continual basis in your Post Home then donate the items to the resources in your community for further distribution.
  • Report each activity you do as they are completed.


Healing California,

Supportive Services for Veteran Families,

San Diego Veterans Community Services,

National Next of Kin Registry,

Check back for a list of items we are collecting for the next Stand Down